The On-Off Function of Bladder Valves:
Bladder Valve Mechanical Functions
A bladder valve is the complete solution for handling abrasive, corrosive and fibrous products, as well as granulates, powders and slurries.
A bladder valve with mechanical functions can either operate with a hand wheel which is the manual type, or the pneumatic type is normally spring closed which requires air to open. Accessories suitable for mechanical bladder valves are solenoid valves, pressure regulator and limit switches.
The advantages of a mechanical bladder valve are its free passage, hermetic closing, and the safety function in the event of loss of air or energy. Mechanical bladder valves are available in aluminium body only, with rubber bladder materials including standard natural rubber, FDA approved natural rubber, neoprene and EPDM.

Bladder valve industrial areas include:
Pneumatic conveying systems
Cement and fibro cement
Pigment and granulates
Ceramics, glass, plastic industry
Sewage water and mud industry
Bladder Valves Pressure Relief
Bladder valves of the pressure relief type have proved reliability in the industry for over 20 years with 1000 plus applications. They are available in aluminium or plastic (PVC) housing with either flanged PN10/16 ends or screwed socket connections.
This type of bladder valve is fitted to a bypass of a pump. The valve is then charged with air and set closed at the pressure it is required to relieve at. If the associated pump becomes blocked or clogged, causing the line pressure to exceed the pressure at which the valve is set closed at, it will open allowing the product to bypass the pump, equalising the pressure until the blockage is cleared. When the blockage is cleared the bladder valve will reset itself in its ‘closed’ position to the original set pressure.
A bladder valve with a pressure relief system has a single body casting to ensure there are no chance of leaks. Pressure relief bladder valves are perfect for remote areas because when the valve is set to the required pressure using a foot pump, the air supply is no longer needed. There is no need to reset the bladder valve after the pump starts up or the pressure surges.

Bladder Valve Pressure Switches to Detect Leaks
The bladder valve optional pressure switch for pressure relief bladder valves has two switches inside a single IP65 housing. It is set so it will send a rising signal when the valve is relieving or a falling signal if there is a problem with the valve.