Pinch Valves Assist with Waste to Energy Plant
Our waste is not wasted at this particlar Energy From Waste (EFW) site, where the company are using AKO Pinch Valves to aid with the flow of product into a mixing tank.
The company’s EFW plants’ use mainly municipal solid waste (MSW) as a fuel to keep the furnaces under fire in order to incinerate the waste. This then heats up water in the boilers that produce high pressurised steam, that is used to turn blades in a turbine that feeds that energy into a generator to convert that energy into electrical power.
The excess electricity produced is distributed to the national grid to power businesses and homes.
The EFW plants consist of 2 parallel incineration streams, each comprising a furnace, boiler and flue gas treatment. The common systems to both incineration streams consist of cranes, water treatment plants, steam turbine generator, air cooled condenser, ash and lime systems.