Company using a test rig encounter their first fault with a valve installed on it after 17 years of reliable operation.

AKO UK have been in touch with a testing, certification and inspection company, certifying products to test if they are fit for use.

The company have been using an air leakage test rig for 17 years, which had DN50 & DN100 Pinch Valves for reducing airflow preinstalled horizontally onto it. The first fault the company have encountered with the Pinch Valves has only been recently, after 17 years of reliable operation.

The purpose of the test rig is to reduce air flow into a chamber to create airtight vacuum. There is an amount of 5 bar air pressure being used to close the Pinch Valves.

It is just air passing through the normally open pneumatic valves at ambient temperature, performing up to 8 cycles per day, so very minimal use.

valves for reducing airflow

Sleeve Lifetime

The lifetime of a sleeve inside a Pinch Valve depends on a number of factors. The nature of the media has to be taken into account, whether it is aggressive, abrasive or corrosive for example. Other factors include the temperature of the media, the pressure that the media is travelling through the valve at, and the amount of pressure that is used to close the sleeve.

Since this application is only using air at ambient temperature, with a minimal amount of cycles per day, this has given the valve an exceptional lifetime.

Pinch Valve used within this application – VF100.03X.31.30LA & VF050.03X.31.30LA

VF model, air operated, aluminium body, aluminium flanges PN10/16 with mild steel bushing contact parts, natural rubber sleeve.

valves for reducing airflow

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